Chinese Christian Church, Oxford, Mississippi

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我们是一个在美国密西西比州北部小城OXFORD(简译牛城)说华语的基督徒群体。 用中文查考圣经, 用普通话敬拜上帝, 向来自各地的华人朋友传讲耶稣基督。 以圣经作为信仰和生活的唯一准则。 按照圣经建立教会, 不分种族、国籍和宗派。

我们在主内成为一家人, 同甘共苦, 彼此服事。 同为神的儿女, 今日蒙爱, 将来与基督同得荣耀。 同为主耶稣基督的仆人, 从小事忠心事奉他。 同蒙恩召, 成为传耶稣基督福音的人。

我们因信耶稣, 福杯满溢, 愿意帮助有需要的人。 愿每位华人都能听明白福音所启示的真理。 热忱欢迎您加入我们或参加我们的各项活动。 愿神赐福您!

We are a congregation of Chinese speaking Christians in Oxford, Mississippi. We read Bible in Chinese, praise the Lord in mandarin, and preach the Gospel to Chinese speaking friends. We use the Bible as the guide line of our faith and life. We build our church on the basis of the Bible without distinguishing race, nationality and denomination. As a family in Jesus Christ, We are now blessed children of God and will share the glory with Jesus Christ at His return. We all are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ and serve Him faithfully starting small. We all are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of our belief in Jesus, our cup is full with blessings, so that we are willing and able to help others. We hope every Chinese specking friend can understand the truth of the Gospel. We sincerely welcome you to join in us or take part in our activities. God bless you!

Friday Evening Serving Schedule Friday Evening Serving Schedule



6:00 - 7:00 pm: 晩歺
7:00 - 7:30 pm: 诗歌分享
7:30 - 8:15 pm: 读经讲解
8:15 - 8:45 pm: 分组讨论


Friday Evening Serving Schedule
  1. 取餐、配餐
  2. 餐后收拾清洁桌面、厨房,清洗非一次性公用餐具
  3. 聚会结束后清扫场地、处理垃圾,运送到室外的垃圾箱
  4. 聚会结束后检查所有用过的房间,空调暖气在规定的范围
  5. 聚会结束后清典收集到的餐费并交给保管人

地点: North Oxford Baptist Church at 304 CR 101, Oxford, MS 38655


7:30 - 8:00 pm: 诗歌敬拜
8:00 - 9:00 pm: 分享祷告


地点: 网上。微信另行通知线上地址

Friday Bible Study

6:00 - 7:00 pm: Dinner
7:00 - 7:30 pm: Singing
7:30 - 8:15 pm: Bible Study
8:15 - 8:45 pm: Group Discussion

Song/Bible Study Leading Schedule (click on the image to magnify):

Location: North Oxford Baptist Church at 304 CR 101, Oxford, MS 38655

Tuesday Prayer Meeting

7:30 - 8:00pm: Singing
8:00 - 9:00pm: Sharing and Praying

Location: Zoom link will be informed by E-mail or WeChat.

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